Chapter Critique Service

Chapter Critique Service

This Pandemic Sucks

I doubt I need to outline all the reasons why, but I do need to focus on one. Due to the very real fear of a second wave keeping me away from my family for an indefinite amount of time (8 months was already too much), I’ve moved back to England. I won’t get into my very mixed emotions here because I don’t know if I can even unravel them, and will instead focus on the most challenging aspect of this move.

I’m unemployed.

Some of you may already know that I took a big risk moving to Italy, and it was all for my writing. I wanted, and managed to create, a lifestyle that allowed me to focus on my writing while also supporting me. For multiple reasons, this will be more difficult back home. I’m currently living with my mum and my stepdad, and while I have an incredible family that will always keep a roof over my head, I don’t have a wealthy family. I need to be able to pay my own way, and fast.

And so, unfortunately, I am going to start charging for my Chapter Critique Service.

It’s not all bad news though! I plan to keep my prices low and, by charging, I will also commit to a quicker turnaround and some nice extras. You can find a breakdown of the new service and how to submit here.

Paint it Red

For a little taste of what I offer, I went back to an old MS of mine and critiqued the first chapter. It was actually pretty fun, splashed with a tinge of melancholy. There were quite a few pages where I didn’t have much to say, which really made it clear to me that I wasn’t far off five years ago.

Three manuscripts later, I’ve learned so much as a writer, but also about the industry. There’s a tiny bridge between ‘not far off’ and ‘ready’ but it’s a difficult bridge to cross, and you need to be committed and fearless.

Applying that knowledge via a critique gives me as much satisfaction as writing does. Craft is essential, and I’ve learned a ton. These images really are just a snippet of what I offer, as I will share overall thoughts on pacing,voice and everything else, but I hope they show a little something of what I’ll be like as an editor of your work.

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Writing Tips - Observations from Critiquing

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